IFSO-EC Scholarship
Dear Members of the IFSO-EC,
as you know, IFSO-European Chapter offers every year 3 Scholarships to young members from countries whose Bariatric Surgery Societies are members of IFSO-EC and who show strong interests, initial accomplishments and potential for future career development in bariatric surgery and/or other obesity related specialties.
The applications must be sent in writing to IFSO EC Secretariat (info@ifso.com) by February 28, 2023.
The main purpose of the 2023 Scholarships is to support attendance at the IFSO-EC Congress that will be held in Zürich, Switzerland, on May 4-6, 2023.
Each Scholarship offers a stipend of: 1.000,00 Euros + the registration at the IFSO-EC Congress. Public recognition of the Award will be made at the IFSO-EC Congress.
Applicants must be IFSO-EC members in good standing and not over 40 years of age at the date of the Congress
- Applicants must be graduates of schools of medicine and/or other associated disciplines.
- Applicants must demonstrate interest in bariatric surgery and/or other allied health disciplines.
- Applications will be accepted only when the applicants have been in surgical or other specialist practice for a minimum of one year at their intended permanent location, or be on a nationally recognized specialist training program (excluding freestanding fellowships/other scholarships).
- Applicants whose careers are in the development stage are deemed more suitable than those who are serving in senior appointments.
- Applications must be supported by the documents listed below under “Requirements for Application”.
- Successful applicants are expected to provide a written report within 2 months of completing the Scholarship
You are all kindly requested to inform all your colleagues under 40 about the availability of Scholarships and about the regulations and requirements for applications.
The applications must be sent to the IFSO secretariat: info@ifso.com with the requested documentation (see below).
Applications received by the above mentioned deadline will be graded according to an objective system by an ad hoc “Scholarship Committee”, which will award the 3 Scholarships.
The Secretariat will inform all applicants of the result in a timely way by email.
Requirements for Application
All applications must be supported by the following 4 documents
1) A structured 1 page CV giving
- Name
- date of birth
- demographic data & personal details
- qualifications
- training
- employment history
- current post
- anything else relevant that will fit on this single page
- The CV should not include title pages or photos.
2) A 1 page (only) list of principal publications or presentations
- Listing should separate:
- bariatric
- other
3) A 150 word (maximum) statement by the Applicant covering:
- Overall future career aim in bariatric surgery
- What is the next step in career development
- Why the scholarship will help the Applicant in this
- How the scholarship will help contribute to the development of bariatric surgery in the Applicant’s home country / institute
4) A letter from the Head of Department or professional mentor (an IFSO-EC member) describing the Applicant’s
- ability
- current level of training
- proposed career development
Feel free to contact us if you need any further information.
Thank you for your cooperation.
IFSO-EC Secretariat